She wore funny trousers

She wore funny trousers.

Hadn’t seen her for years
sort of friends re united,
but this time, shock at first sight.
She wore funny trousers.

We both said,  you haven’t changed a bit,
but time can be cruel
and dishonesty can be the best policy,
–  she wore funny trousers.

We had a pub lunch
she didn’t drink much anymore,
my ex girl was more sophisticated now,
yet she wore funny trousers.

We chatted about old friends and happy days
of gate crashing and White Lightening binges.
We both agreed modern youth were pants
but she wore funny trousers.

It was time to return to our everyday lives
of work, family and spouse
We won’t meet again but I will always remember,
she wore funny trousers.


Phil Portus
(June 2015)

Inspired by Ivor, after recently meeting up with an ex-girlfriend who he hadn’t seen for many years.